• Preserving the Self for Later Emulation: What Brain Features Do We Need?

    Updated: 2012-11-30 19:50:20
    Let me propose to you four interesting statements about the future…http://www.ieet.org/images/uploads/smartbrain2.jpg

  • Top Hitting Articles for November

    Updated: 2012-11-30 19:50:20
    Kris and Dr. J. are traveling to San Francisco tomorrow for the H+ events, so we’re calling the top hitters for November a day early.http://www.ieet.org/images/uploads/baaby.jpg

  • More Than Half of You See a Global Democracy by 2100

    Updated: 2012-11-30 19:50:20
    We asked “By 2100 what will the international political system be based on?” More than half of you were optimistic that we would achieve some kind of democratic world government.

  • Fatal Invention: The New Biopolitics of Race

    Updated: 2012-11-30 19:50:20
    : Blog Events Multimedia About Purpose Programs Publications Staff Contact Join Login Register Support the IEET The IEET is a 501(c 3 non-profit , tax-exempt organization registered in the State of Connecticut in the United States . Please give as you are able , and help support our work for a brighter . future Via PayPal Subscribe to : Technoprogressive BioConservative Huh Quick overview of biopolitical points of view Submit to the IEET IEET’s Africa Project Technoprogressive Anthology and Cell Phone Drive IEET Looking for Short Science Fiction IEET is seeking techno-progressive White Papers Jamais on Singularity 1 on 1 : You Matter Your Choices Make A Difference More Than Half of You See a Global Democracy by 2100 Top Hitting Articles for November Preserving the Self for Later Emulation

  • A Conversation With Nobel Prize Winning Neuropsychiatrist

    Updated: 2012-11-30 19:50:20
    Blog Events Multimedia About Purpose Programs Publications Staff Contact Join Login Register Support the IEET The IEET is a 501(c 3 non-profit , tax-exempt organization registered in the State of Connecticut in the United States . Please give as you are able , and help support our work for a brighter . future Via PayPal Subscribe to : Technoprogressive BioConservative Huh Quick overview of biopolitical points of view Submit to the IEET IEET’s Africa Project Technoprogressive Anthology and Cell Phone Drive IEET Looking for Short Science Fiction IEET is seeking techno-progressive White Papers Jamais on Singularity 1 on 1 : You Matter Your Choices Make A Difference More Than Half of You See a Global Democracy by 2100 Top Hitting Articles for November Preserving the Self for Later Emulation :

  • Jamais on Singularity 1 on 1: You Matter! Your Choices Make A Difference

    Updated: 2012-11-30 19:50:20
    : Blog Events Multimedia About Purpose Programs Publications Staff Contact Join Login Register Support the IEET The IEET is a 501(c 3 non-profit , tax-exempt organization registered in the State of Connecticut in the United States . Please give as you are able , and help support our work for a brighter . future Via PayPal Subscribe to : Technoprogressive BioConservative Huh Quick overview of biopolitical points of view Submit to the IEET IEET’s Africa Project Technoprogressive Anthology and Cell Phone Drive IEET Looking for Short Science Fiction IEET is seeking techno-progressive White Papers Jamais on Singularity 1 on 1 : You Matter Your Choices Make A Difference More Than Half of You See a Global Democracy by 2100 Top Hitting Articles for November Preserving the Self for Later Emulation

  • Facebook Cover Image Contest

    Updated: 2012-11-30 17:23:32
    Win a copy of any book from Humanist Press!

  • Being Part of the Universe

    Updated: 2012-11-30 16:00:33
    Via It’s Okay to be Smart.Not entirely sure how I feel about this one. I like the sentiment, but we’re only a tiny part of the universe. Equating ourselves with the universe because “we are all star dust” or something similar ...

  • I Thought Playing to Their Smugness Would Work!

    Updated: 2012-11-30 02:00:44
    (In response to this post)

  • how to keep exploring space semi-vicariously

    Updated: 2012-11-29 14:41:42
    One of the recent ideas in space exploration tries to avoid landing astronauts on other worlds, risking exposure to dangerous radiation and alien weather. Instead, the plan would be to build a wonderful long-term space habitat equipped with a small army of robots to be deployed to Mars and other exotic destinations, and then remotely [...]

  • Once again, a reporter thinks our positions are the opposite of what they are

    Updated: 2012-11-26 23:23:57
    Perhaps the most accurate media coverage the Singularity Institute (SI) has yet received was a piece by legendary science author Carl Zimmer in Playboy. To give you a sense of how inaccurate most of our media coverage is, here’s a … Continue reading →

  • kurzweil’s new theory of mind: better, still wrong

    Updated: 2012-11-20 14:45:45
    Ray Kurzweil, the tech prophet reporters love to quote when it comes to our coming immortality courtesy of incredible machines being invented as we speak, despite his rather sketchy track record of predicting long term tech trends, has a new book laying out the blueprint for reverse-engineering the human mind. You see, in Kurzwelian theories, [...]

  • Whiteboards at the Singularity Institute

    Updated: 2012-11-15 01:53:52
    For your enjoyment, some recent whiteboards at the Singularity Institute…

  • November 2012 Newsletter

    Updated: 2012-11-07 07:59:20
    November 2012 Newsletter Greetings from the Executive Director Dear friends of the Singularity Institute, My thanks to the dozens of staff members, contractors, and volunteers who helped make this year’s Singularity Summit our most professional and exciting Summit yet! Videos of the … Continue reading →

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